Community Facilities Working Group – Public Meeting
The Thame Neighbourhood Plan (TNP) includes policies related to the provision of a large community facility for Thame. This built on great work over many years by the community of Thame and since the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan further impacts, initiatives and requirements have been established. Three potential sites were defined in the TNP, but provision is not limited to those sites if a better location is found. Numerous potential solutions have been discussed over the years. All have their merits and their impacts – some are dependent on other’s actions.
The time has now come to establish concrete plans for the way forward. The Town Council has created a Community Facilities Working Group, with Terms of Reference, to assist the community to work together towards the best solution. To ensure that the best solution is found, we first need to ensure that we are working to satisfy current and future requirements.
A first formal meeting for the Community Facilities Working Group has therefore been set at 7pm on Wednesday 14 December 2016 in the Upper Chamber at the Town Hall. You, or an alternative representative of your organisation are invited to attend. The agenda for the meeting will include provision of some background information, with an opportunity for everyone to state their latest thinking on the requirements. That will hopefully lead to an agreement on how we can satisfy Activity 1 on the Terms of Reference: “To identify community facility needs via analysis of all relevant data and information sources”.
This invitation is being widely circulated to anyone who we have identified may be interested can help. But please feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone who you think can help us reach our objective. To assist with setting the meeting room up most effectively, it will assist us if you can reply to to confirm attendance or call Jane on 01844 212833.
The Town Clerk is also happy to answer any questions in the meantime.