Easter Bunny pays a visit to Thame! Can you find all the hidden eggs?

The Easter Bunny has been to visit Thame and hidden 16 eggs in shop windows around the Town Centre. Can you find them all and enter our competition to win some egg-stra special prizes? The Easter Egg Hunt will run during shop opening times between Monday 10 and Thursday 20 April. To be in with a chance of winning some egg-cellent prizes, please return your completed forms to the Information Centre by 5pm on Thursday 20 April!
There will also be an additional ‘Golden Egg’ event at Thame’s Charter Market in the Upper High Street car park on Tuesday 11 & 18 April where a further 6 eggs have been hidden. Find them all and pick up your prize from the Community Stall on these days.
The prizes have been generously donated by Wally’s Toy Shop, The Book House, Thame Leisure Centre and Whizz Kids.
For more information and an entry sheet (with clues), pop into the Information Centre in the Town Hall, or go to www.thametowncouncil.gov.uk/easteregghunt. Keep an eye on the Town Council’s twitter (@ThameTC) for egg-sclusive clues!