Thame Showground

The Town Council shares the concerns of many in the community with regard to a current event at Thame Showground. As always it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. Opinions expressed range from outright support to outright indignation. We have been assured by the Police that they are doing all they can to monitor and control the current situation, based on the factual knowledge they have. They are the right organisation to deal with anything that is reported. The Town Council’s position is that that we will provide support if requested by Category 1 responders (which includes the Police), in line with our emergency response plan. Our advice to residents (and agreed with the Police) is to always call 999 in an emergency i.e. if you see a crime is being committed, there’s a risk of injury, or there’s a risk of serious damage to property. That gives the best chance of the perpetrators being apprehended. If it is after the event then it is also critical to report, so that the true picture can be established by the police, and they can allocate available resources accordingly. After the event, if you’ve witnessed the aftermath, then you should use the police non-emergency system – 101 or on-line at Let’s all hope that not many reports need to be made. Thank you for your support, which will help reduce both the reality and the perception, and make us all feel a little safer.
Image credit: NPAS Benson –
Date: Monday 7 August 2017.