Get involved this Christmas

It may be the middle of summer, but the Town Council is already planning this year’s Christmas Lights Switch-On, which will take place on Friday 1 December 2017. The Town Council is looking for lots of local businesses and traders to get involved either by sponsoring the event or holding a stall. Sponsorship packages begin at just £50 and traders can hold a 3m pitch at the event for £25 (or £10 for charities). Stalls are free of charge for Thame businesses. Thame’s Christmas Lights Switch-On is wholly funded by sponsorship from local businesses and stallholders. It is thanks to this generous support that we are able to provide this fantastic community event each year.
If you would like to get involved or find out more, please visit Local traders, businesses, charities and community groups should register their interest in holding a stall at the event by Friday 29 September.
Date: Wednesday 9 August 2017.