Improving footfall and spend in Thame Town Centre
Thame Town Council’s Town Centre Working Group works to increase awareness, footfall and spend in Thame town centre. To this end, and following feedback from business and customers, the group has decided to focus this year on improving the digital presence of the town centre.
However we cannot do this without working closely with the business community. We need you to help us develop a joined up approach to digital marketing that benefits all the businesses in the town centre. You are invited to attend our next Town Centre Business Forum on Thursday 15 February from 5.30pm – 6.45pm (optional networking from 5pm).
The meeting will:
- Present ‘off the shelf’ opportunities available to support town centres and the businesses in them improve their on-line presence, footfall information, customer loyalty, etc.
- Explore what you think the pros and cons of these are, and whether you think one of these would benefit Thame, or whether a tailor made alternative would be more suitable.
- Propose the development of a data-sharing arrangement between town centre businesses and Thame Town Council that will improve awareness of what impact different initiatives and events may have on town centre businesses.
The outcomes of this meeting will be used to inform any investment the Town Council makes. Register your interest here:
Date posted: Wednesday 7 February 2018.