Month: March 2018

Potholes and the Thame Neighbourhood Plan

29th March 2018

The Town Hall was packed on Tuesday night for the Annual Town Meeting, a meeting for the electorate of Thame to express their views.  After a brief summary from the Mayor, extolling the virtues of the Thame Community and highlighting specific items of progress in the year, the bulk of the meeting was then taken […]

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Predatory Developer launches Care Home Consultation

23rd March 2018

Angle Property Limited, who recently purchased the Kingsmead Business Park (including the DAF site), have launched a public consultation with the objective of securing community support for building a care home on the site. This land is designated under the Thame Neighbourhood Plan for retention as employment land so we wish to present some relevant […]

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One week left to make your nomination!

22nd March 2018

Thame Town Awards is celebrating its tenth year in 2018 and nominations are currently open for you to put forward an individual, group or business for a Town Award this year. If you’re reading this, chances are you know someone who either works, lives, studies or contributes to life in Thame – if you think […]

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What’s new on our website?

22nd March 2018

If you regularly visit our website, you may have noticed that since 1 February 2018 there have been some changes and new additions. In keeping with the current, modern design of our website, we have made some structural changes to make it easier for the different users of our site (residents, visitors, businesses and council […]

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Have your say at the Annual Town Meeting

16th March 2018

The Annual Town Meeting is an opportunity for Thame residents to express their views and ask questions about issues in the town. Whether you have a major concern or a simple query, Councillors from Town, District and County and staff will be available to answer your questions and address your concerns. There will also be a representative […]

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Help Clean Up on Thame Tidy Day!

8th March 2018

It’s that time of year when spring is in the air, so it must be time for Thame Tidy and Moreton Muck-Out Day!  On Saturday 17th March, everyone can do their bit to help keep our neighbourhoods looking attractive and litter-free. If you hate litter, love the place where you live, and want to improve […]

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Annual Town Meeting & Neighbourhood Plan Revision Workshop

7th March 2018

Thame Town Council invites the residents of Thame to attend the Annual Town Meeting at 7:30pm 27 March 2018, at Thame Town Hall, to take part in a Neighbourhood Plan Revision Workshop. This is an opportunity for any resident of Thame to be involved in the very earliest stage in the review of the Thame […]

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