Green Living Plan Presentation

Thame Town Council was very pleased to host an informative presentation by the RSA Thame Group on the draft Green Living Plan for Thame in the Town Hall on the evening of Tuesday 19 June 2018.  The presentation was attended by more than 60 members of the community, with half the time put aside for questions.  A wide variety of questions, on traffic management, single use plastics, biodiversity, the amount of commitment; the consultation process and other topics were raised which will all help ensure that the Green Living Plan is right for Thame.  There were also many expressions of support and offers of help.  At the Town Council meeting that immediately followed, the draft Green Living Plan was authorised to proceed to a consultation phase over the summer, probably starting in late July / early August.  The Town Council would like to sincerely thank the RSA Thame Group for getting the plan to this next exciting stage of its journey.  The plan will be a living document, that will benefit Thame forever.

Date posted: Wednesday 20 June 2018