Notice of tree felling on Lea Park

Following a recent inspection of the trees on The Moats by an arboricultural consultant the Town Council has been informed that the large mature ash on the site should be felled, as it is a potential danger to the public. We don’t like having to cut down trees, but must act on expert advice, whatever the tree looks like to the untrained eye. The felling has been scheduled to take place on 4 October 2018. The survey was carried out by Fulford-Dobson Associates Ltd as a part of the Town Council’s ongoing work to establish the general condition of the trees and useful life expectancy. Such surveys enable The Town Council to make plans for long term preservation / maintenance and can also inform plans for new planting to enhance the landscape. As with all trees on the Moats, we won’t be immediately able to remove the stump, as the site is a Scheduled Monument. This means that special permission is required before any work that potentially disturbs the land is undertaken and this can take considerable time and effort to secure.
Date posted: Thursday 27 September 2018