New Cricket Pavilion officially opened

On Sunday 16 December, after 5 years of hard work, Thame Town Cricket Club’s (TTCC) new Pavilion was opened by the Mayor of Thame, Cllr Ann Midwinter and the club’s Chairman, Matt Swain.
At the opening, the Mayor said: “It is a great honour to open the new cricket club pavilion which will also be a great asset to the community as it will be used by other organisations as well. I am sure Peter Beard and Ken Patey who are here today, plus the widow of John Wrench who worked extremely hard to get this site in the 1970’s, would be delighted with what is here today.”
TTCC would like to thank HollandGreen who designed the clubhouse, Sports Clubhouses Ltd for constructing the clubhouse, Ridge & Partners for their Project Management and the Town Council for their help, support and sharing the vision of a new sports and community building. TTCC would also like to give sincere thanks to the people and organisations who helped fund this project: Thame Town Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, the ECB, LEADER, Thame Welfare Trust, Travelodge, Farol Ltd, TOE2 and Grundon Waste Management Ltd, Marston’s Brewery, the Cricket Club’s Fundraising team, The Debenture Club and everyone that bought a brick or made a donation. The club has recently announced that Field Sales Solutions, based in Thame, will be the lead sponsor of the new clubhouse, which will be home to the Thame & District Day Centre in the New Year as well as Thame Netball and Cycling Clubs.
You can read more on TTCC’s website here or click here to view the photo album from Sunday’s opening event.
Pictured: The Mayor of Thame, Cllr Ann Midwinter, cuts the ribbon to officially open the new Thame Town Cricket Club Clubhouse.
Date posted: Thursday 20 December 2018