An incredible response to Thame’s Lockdown Love Awards

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, our Thame community sprung into action. Neighbours connected and looked out for each other more than usual; informal support groups were organised to support people in need; charities, volunteer groups, businesses, churches and many others rallied together to support the town and its residents.
Working together with Thame Rewards Club, we decided to create Thame’s Lockdown Love Awards to recognise those who went above and beyond during this time. The response was incredible! We received a huge number of nominations which meant it has taken us longer than anticipated to process. The nominations captured so much (although we know not all) of the amazing work that took place during lockdown.
Community Champions
Our first Category was for Community Champions – individuals and/or community groups. Find out who was nominated for Community Champions category. If your name is on the list then over the next weeks we will be getting in contact to give you a certificate that contains any further words included in your nominations. We know it is not much, but we want to recognise and thank you all in some small way – to say how appreciative we are for all you did to support our town.
This category is still open for nominations until the end of October. So if there is someone not on the list who you feel deserves recognition for what they have done during lockdown then please email with your reason why and we will make sure they get a certificate.
Thame Based Charities
Charities were nominated for stepping up during lockdown to provide for our community.
All nominees will receive a certificate with comments from nominations included. They now go forward into a final voting round to win £500. This money is from Thame Rewards Club who donates 20% of funds raised from the sale of membership cards each year.
Local Businesses
The final category was for Local Businesses – a local independent business that helped to support you, or those you know, during lockdown. View the Local Business nominations. All nominees will receive a certificate with comments from nominations included. They will now go forward into a final voting round where the 3 businesses with the most votes will receive the following prizes: The winner with the biggest number of votes will win a premium ‘Spotlight Package’ package with Thame Rewards Club – Shop OX9 and the two runners up will receive a ‘Get Visible’ package.
Place your vote for the overall winner
Voting will close 30/10/20. If your Businesses or Charity is nominated and you would like copies of the graphics above to share on your Social Media pages to generate more votes, please email to request them.
Date posted: Thursday 8 October 2020