Service of Remembrance 2020

Covid-19 restrictions prevented the usual service and parade taking place on Sunday, however last Wednesday a small Service of Remembrance
conducted by Reverend Mike Reading, accompanied by Thame’s Mayor, Cllr Ann Midwinter, South Oxfordshire District Council’s Chair, Cllr David Bretherton, Royal British Legion President, Major Robert Bartlett, RAF Halton Squadron Leader Clare Atherton and Deputy Lieutenant, Marie-Jane Barnett was held at the war memorial. To avoid creating a gathering many other local organisations laid their wreaths at various times in the days leading up to Armistice Day.
Thame Poppy Appeal 2020
The Thame Poppy Appeal has raised an impressive sum of £12,451.91 during the 9 days collection instead of the normal 15 days due to the second Covid-19 lockdown. The Thame Poppy Appeal Organiser would like to express profound gratitude to the people of Thame, the surrounding areas, businesses and especially the volunteers who gave up their time to support the collection. This “Thank You” enables the Royal British Legion to help members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families all year round. If you wish to join the friendly Thame town centre street collecting team and can spare a couple of hours during the beginning of November 2021, please contact Keith Wallington on 07776 594001 for more information.
Date posted: Friday 13 November 2020