Month: December 2020

Land at The Elms, Upper High Street, Thame – P20/S0928/FUL

17th December 2020

South Oxfordshire District Planning Committee last night voted 4 against and 4 in favour with the Chairman using his casting vote in favour of planning application P20/S0928/FUL.  Thame Town Council Councillors and Officers, South Oxfordshire District Council Thame Ward members and a member of the public gave material planning reasons for objecting to this application […]

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Thame Town Council Budget 2021 – 2022

17th December 2020

In preparing its budget for 2021-22, Thame Town Council has again looked hard at where it can make savings (both in terms of cuts and further efficiencies), while at the same time providing the projects, functions and services that the community of Thame expect to be delivered by the Town Council. As last year, the […]

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Let the Christmas Celebrations Begin!

3rd December 2020

The Christmas lights are on! The Mayor invited Mrs Miriam Coulson the eldest Love Thame Blue Hearts call handler and the operational team of the Blue Hearts, Emma Butt and Taruna Glover to switch on the Christmas tree lights on Tuesday evening. The Blue Hearts call handlers took over 1500 calls during the first lockdown […]

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