New working group set up to progress a new Youth Centre in Thame

A new group has been set up to turn the dream, of a new Youth Centre with community facilities, into a reality.
On 9th February Thame Town Council and the Thame Youth Projects Group officially established a joint Working Group to consider the options.
Feedback from the public consultation, which included concerns about some locations as well as widespread support, has now been shared with Thame Town Council. The goal was to listen and engage as plans are developed to support Thame’s young people and the wider community.
Southern Road Recreation Ground is a preferred location and has many advantages but other locations will be reviewed before a final decision is made. The new Working Group’s mandate is to look at the facilities needed and the location of those facilities. It will also use this initiative to promote collaboration between community groups wherever it makes sense.
The Chair of the new Working Group, Paul Smith, commented ‘The young people of Thame are looking for a fresh start as we now look beyond the pandemic. I want us to be creative, ambitious and agile as we bring forward ideas to help our whole community flourish.’
Progress will be regularly reviewed by Thame Town Council’s Community, Leisure and Recreation Committee.
Image credit: Thame Youth Projects
Date posted: Monday 1 March 2021