Make a Change – Become a Town Councillor

Thame Town Council is calling on residents who are passionate about their community to stand in the local by-elections (Thame North Ward) on Thursday 6th May 2021.
Please note, only residents in the Thame North Ward can vote in this election – view the Thame North Ward map here [PDF].
What do Councillors do?
Councillors are the champions of their community and give residents a voice on the decisions the council makes. Becoming a councillor will allow you to make a real difference in your community by engaging with residents, local groups and businesses to find out their needs; making decisions on which projects, functions and services the council should take forward and getting involved locally to ensure the services are meeting your community’s needs.
- Council Responsibilities Graphic [JPEG]
How much time per week?
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) research found that councillors put aside, on average, three hours per week for council work. Experienced councillors may be up to ten hours per week. This often included attending meetings, engaging with residents and speaking on behalf of the council to other bodies.
Can I stand?
There are only a few rules to stand for election. You must be:
- A British Citizen. (see electoral commission guidance below)
- 18 years old or over.
- Live in or close to the Parish of Thame (or work or own a business in Thame)
How can I find out more about being a Councillor for Thame Town Council?
- Contact any Thame Town Councillor
- Contact Thame Town Hall
- Read the Role Description below
How to apply
Nomination papers may be obtained from the offices of the Returning Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, Abingdon, OX14 4SB on Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm (excluding bank holidays). Nominations must be returned to the same address no later than 4pm on Thursday 8 April 2021.
Below are some useful documents:
- Notice of Election for the North Ward of Thame Town Council [document archived]
- Elections Timetable – May 2021 [document archived]
- Role Description of a Thame Town Councillor [PDF]
- Guidance for Candidates standing in the May 2021 Elections [document archived]
- Covid-19 Guidance for Candidates in the May 2021 Elections [document archived]
Useful Websites:
- Electoral Commission
- National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
- South Oxfordshire District Council
- Thame Town Council
Date posted: Thursday 1 April 2021