Planning Applications at The Tithe Barn

Two planning applications (P21/S0945/LB and P21/S0947/FUL) at The Tithe Barn were considered by the Town Council’s Planning & Environment Committee on Tuesday 6 April. The listed building application relates to internal alterations and the full application relates to the provision of a fencing and shed. The Town Council objected to the latter on the grounds of insufficient information on the design of the shed and impact on the setting of the listed building and Conservation Area.
The applications have been submitted to enable The Tithe Barn to be used a nursery. Following recent changes to national legislation, South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC), as the planning authority, are of the view that the change from office (Class E(g)) to a day nursery (Class E(f)) is not development and does not require any permissions.
The Town Council understands there is concern from residents of Church Road regarding the impact on parking and highways safety. Highways have not been consulted due to the nature of the application (in that change of use is not required).
Representations to the applications can be made up until 17 April 2021 via SODC’s website.
Date posted: Friday 16 April 2021