Sponsor the 2021 Thame Town Awards

The Thame Town Awards will be returning this year to celebrate individuals, groups, and businesses within Thame’s community, and we are looking for sponsorship from local businesses to support the awards. Given the relaxing of Covid-19 restrictions from 19 July, the Town Awards panel would like to hold an in-person awards ceremony which is likely to be at the end of September.
There are three sponsorship opportunities available. Each package is £200 (+VAT) and includes:
- Your logo on all printed and digital promotional material (this will include posters, flyers, social media graphics)
- Your business name on all press releases;
- Invitation to attend the awards ceremony and present two awards (ceremony date tbc and subject to any covid-19 restrictions).
If you are interested in sponsoring the Thame Town Awards this year, please email info@thametowncouncil.gov.uk no later than Friday 16 July. The awards will be opening for nominations on 22 July.
Date posted: Thursday 8 July 2021