One step closer to a Community Youth Centre for Thame

At its meeting, on 5 October 2021, Thame Town Council reviewed an independent report, which recommended the best site for a new Community Youth Centre in Thame.
Acanthus Clews Architect was commissioned, earlier in the year, to review all potential sites and to list their strengths and weaknesses. The review also benefited from community contributions, after an initial phase of public consultation, in 2020.
The Council thanked Acanthus Clews for its thorough, professional and persuasive report. It went on to approve Southern Road Recreation Ground as the optimum site.
Commenting on the decision, Thame’s Mayor, Paul Cowell said:
“The young people of Thame deserve this facility, which invests in their futures and those of the wider community. We want it to be a vibrant and vital place at the heart of our community.”
The Community Youth Centre Working Group, which is a partnership between the Council and a local charity, Thame Youth Projects, has now been tasked with developing a detailed proposal.
The Chair of the Working Group, Paul Smith, commented:
“In the coming months we will think through the precise location, design and management of the new building. Our goal is to discuss our proposals with the Council, and other Stakeholders, before a second phase of public consultation, in the first half of 2022”.
The Town Council confirmed that it intends to be creative and agile but a good development process, for a project with such ambition, needs about two years. Commenting on the timetable the Mayor said:
“It’s important to get this right for the next generation, which takes time. I’m delighted that the ongoing work of Thame Youth Projects supports today’s young people. The Council is partnering with them and will continue to do so once the Community Youth Centre doors are open.”
Date posted: Friday 8 October 2021