Town Council supports 20mph for Thame

Update – 4 August 2022
Following Thame Town Council’s submission to Oxfordshire County Council for Thame and Moreton to be considered for the 20mph initiative as approved at Full Council, Oxfordshire County Council have confirmed Thame and Moreton are scheduled in phase 2 (20mph restrictions delivery programme). This will be completed in 2023/24 with an exact date to be confirmed.
Update – 28 April 2022
At a Full Council meeting on Tuesday 26 April, the Town Council considered numerous requests for 20mph speed limits in Thame and Moreton. Residents from Lea Park spoke in support of 20mph in Thame following several years of campaigning for it on their estate. The introduction of 20mph speed limits in towns and parishes is being funded by the County Council but requires the support of the local Town Council. Despite some concerns regarding enforcement and effectiveness, Members voted unanimously to support 20mph in Thame (within the ring road and including the Taylor Wimpey/Bellway estates) and Moreton which was welcomed with a round of applause from the public in the room. This will now be submitted to the County Council to consider and assess.
Did you know that the Town Council has Speedwatch Radar Guns which can be used by volunteers (once trained by Thames Valley Police) to monitor vehicles’ speeds in their area? Please get in touch with the Town Council if you would like to know more.
Date posted: Thursday 28 April 2022
Updated: 4 August 2022