Planning Applications – Pearces Yard and Moorend Lane

Two major planning applications in Thame are due to be considered by the Town Council on Tuesday 17 January 2023:
- Pearces Yard, Aylesbury Road (P22/S4155/FUL) – full planning permission for the erection of 21 dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and open space.
- Land adjacent Sewage Works, Moorend Lane (MW.0163/22) – use of part of the land as a permanent aggregate and soil recycling facility, with final restoration of the remaining land to agriculture by regrading already deposited materials. Erection of a new site office and weighbridge, and retention of the surfacing of part of the site with hardcore.
The agenda for the above meeting will be published on 11 January. If you would like to speak at the meeting, please request this in writing to no later than 5.00pm on 16 January. Details on speaking at our meetings can be viewed here. There is no need to register if you would just like to observe the meeting.
Date posted: Friday 6th January 2023