Update from Thame Town Council meeting

- Planning application at Moorend Lane (MW.0163/22) https://myeplanning2.oxfordshire.gov.uk/Planning/Display/MW.0163/22
The Town Council objected on the grounds that the proposal:
- Does not support Oxfordshire’s vision to become self-sufficient in waste management;
- Fails to demonstrate how the site would manage greenfield run-off rates and the biodiversity buffer for Scotsgrove Brook;
- Would generate dust which would impact on nearby residential, leisure and recreational facilities;
- Has poor landscape mitigation;
- Would significantly increase HGV movements on Tythrop Way and Moorend Lane.
Our Officer’s detailed report which was presented at the Council meeting can be viewed here: https://www.thametowncouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/6.-Report-MW0163_22-Land-adjacent-Sewage-Works-Moorend-Lane.pdf (PDF file). There is still time to comment on this application if you wish to make your view known, just click on this link: https://myeplanning2.oxfordshire.gov.uk/Planning/Display/MW.0163/22 and submit your comments by 26 January 2023.
- Planning application at Pearces Yard, Aylesbury Road (P22/S4155/FUL)
The Town Council also objected to this application on the grounds that it was contrary to various Thame Neighbourhood Plan and Local Plan policies in:
- Harming the setting of the Thame Conservation Area;
- Failing to provide quality private amenity space for two dwellings;
- Failing to provide quality play/open space;
- Failing to provide adequate proof of secure bicycle parking and other design matters, and proper visitor bicycle parking.
Members noted that the scheme was significantly better than the previous scheme for a care home.
- Change to Annual Town Meeting date
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the date of the Annual Town Meeting has been moved from 21 March to Tuesday 14 March. Please note the date printed in the Town Guide is now incorrect. Look out for publicity nearer the date about how you can get involved in this year’s Annual Town Meeting.
Thame Town Council signs up to the Civility & Respect Pledge
The Civility & Respect Pledge has been created within the local (town and parish) council sector to make a stand against bullying, harassment and intimidation, which includes towards council staff, members of the public, and representatives of partner organisations and volunteers. The pledge demonstrates that the council is committed to standing up to poor behaviour across the sector and to driving through positive changes which support civil and respectful conduct.
Thame Town Council is proud to join over 900 other town & parish councils in signing the pledge. The Town Council already has policies, procedures, a Code of Conduct, and training in place that promote civility and respect, and by signing the pledge the Town Council is committed to standing up to poor behaviour.
Post Office discussion
It was agreed that Councillors and Officers would contact the Post Office to find out what the plans are for the current site as the sporadic closures are a cause of concern to residents and businesses.
The minutes of this meeting are not available just yet, but will be published here when they are:https://www.thametowncouncil.gov.uk/thame-town-council/about-the-town-council/council-meetings/agendas-minutes/full-council/