#EmbraceEquality in Thame

On the 8th of March we celebrated International Women’s Day! We would like to thank all the women in Thame who promote this year’s theme of #EmbraceEquality. Thame is full of people who encourage positive change and equality amongst all. Here’s a few ways you can #EmbraceEquality beyond International Women’s Day in Thame!
Make sure you vote in May’s local elections. By exercising your right to vote, you can express your views on the matters that mean most to you and help our wider community.
You must register to vote by 17 April, ready to visit the polling station on 4 May. You will need to bring ID with you to vote. A list of candidates will be published on 5 April.

Donate or Volunteer
Embracing equality can mean many things to different people. One way could be by offering a helping hand to others. Thame Town Council work alongside many schemes to help support those in need.
Love in a Bag: If you have any unwanted toiletries, hats, gloves, scarves etc you can drop them into the Information Centre and the wonderful Love in a Bag team will distribute these out to men and women in need next winter.
Foodbank: Thame Information Centre also collects any dry and tinned foods for the local foodbank.
Citizens Advice: Thame Citizens Advice are currently seeking an admin and customer service volunteer to give information, advice and client support. To find out more email thame@osavcab.org.uk
Thame Good Neighbour Scheme: TGNS is a local voluntary service offering help and support to elderly and vulnerable people in Thame. TGNS volunteers offer help with transport, befriending, shopping, prescription collection, light gardening, technical  help etc. If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact Jane on 01844 212833.
Support female sports teams
Thame is proud to be a town full of sporting events and teams. We should all work together to support our teams by taking part and watching matches. If you are a sports team (male, female or mixed) our Communications and Events Officer Clare would love to hear from you! Clare’s on the hunt to scout out the best of Thame and to promote in future newsletters – please email clare.peecock@thametowncouncil.gov.uk

Support female lead businesses
We are lucky to have a busy high street – let’s #EmbraceEquality by shopping locally at our independent businesses! We are proud to have many female based businesses. Much like our sports section above, Clare is looking to reach out and connect with our independent businesses. This is all a part of the wider plan for the Thame Town Council and celebrating what makes us unique! Please email Clare if you and your business would like to be involved.