Would you like to help shape and deliver a hopper bus for Thame? If so we want to hear from you!

The 121 town bus has been a great addition to many in Thame, providing a service from some of our housing estates to the town centre. However, the service is not meeting all the needs of the community and Thame Town Council is working on developing a new approach to community transport for the town.
We would like to hear from anyone who is interested in playing a part in this project. Although we don’t know exactly what it will look like, roles are likely to be very varied; from bus drivers to administrative, from directors/trustees, to cleaners. There will be opportunites for voluntary and for paid work. You could get involved in shaping the project, or just get your name on a list to help deliver it when it is set up.
For more info, or to join in please email info@thametowncouncil.gov.uk