Remembrance 2023

The rain held off on Sunday morning as the town gathered to mark Remembrance Sunday.
The Mayor Cllr Adrian Dite welcomed everyone before handing over to Reverend Andy McCulloch from Thame Church. After a moving rendition of Last Post and Reveille, a two-minute silence was observed. Over 55 wreaths on behalf of: His majesty the King, RAF Halton, Armed Forces, emergency services
and many community groups.
As Thame Concert Band played, all eyes were looking at the skies as the RAF Benson Puma helicopter flew past. Prayers were led by Father Michael from St Joseph’s Church, followed by a blessing and an amazing drum role to introduce the National Anthem.
A big thank you for all that took part, with the organisation and participation in the event.
The Thame Poppy Appeal would like to express their thanks and gratitude to the many people who donated and volunteered to help with the poppy sales, to date a magnificent £24,586.00 has been raised with other monies still to be to be received.
Can you spare a couple of hours to help with the ThamePoppyAppeal in 2024?
Join the friendly town centre street collecting team, who volunteer their time to collect for the Thame Poppy Appeal. For further information contact