Top scores for the Mayor’s quiz night

On Monday, the Mayor, and 17 teams of residents got their thinking caps on for a fantastic quiz night, raising £500 for the Red Kite Family Centre and Thame Shed!
The quiz had 10 rounds, including 50 years of Thame Town Council, general knowledge and music! It was the Saturday Strollers who took home the trophy this year! (Pictured above with our Mayor, Cllr Adrian Dite and quizmaster Sue Boyle)
We would like to congratulate the Saturday Stollers, and other teams for taking part and making Monday the new Friday! It was great to see so many laughing and working together for such great causes!
David Staples, Secretary of Thame Shed would also like to express his thanks and congratulations: “On behalf of Thame Shed, may I thank you and the Mayor for your efforts in organising the event. My team had a lot of fun! Congratulations to the team (of four!) who came top!”
Finally we would love to thank our quiz masters, Sue and Phil Boyle, for their hard work in setting the questions, and the Snooker Club for hosting the event!
Want to make sure you attend the next Mayor’s event? There still a chance to get your names down for Mamma Mayor, our Abba tribute night at the Spread Eagle (poster can be found at the bottom of this newsletter)