Make Walking & Cycling Safer in Thame

Oxfordshire County Council want to make walking and cycling easier in Thame. 

To help achieve this, they’ve created the Thame Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), so that when funding becomes available, they will know what infrastructure is needed to provide Thame with a high quality active travel network.

How to Participate

In order to make the Thame LCWIP the best it can be, OCC are seeking the views of residents about where to make improvements.

You can share your thoughts and highlight the issues or improvements you would like to see addressed by using the OCC’s online map. You can drop pins at any location in the local area and write comments.

Already, over 200 pins and comments have been posted on the interactive map.

Residents have until Thursday 19 September to comment. Click here to find out more about the Thame Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.