Mayors Ride to Montesson

Former Thame Mayor, Cllr Adrian Dite, and current Mayor, Cllr Andy Gilbert, will join a group of Thame cyclists for a charity ride to Montesson in September.

The group will set off on Wednesday 11 September for Thame’s “Jumeau Ville en France” (Thame’s twin town west of Paris), arriving Friday 13 September ahead of a “twinning weekend” with our French and German friends.
A Just Giving page has been set-up with the cyclists hoping to raise £1,500 for the Mayor’s 2024 charities – Lord Williams’s School Young Carers and the Sharing Life Trust/Thame Foodbank. 
Click here to support the Thame Mayor and his fellow riders, or join them at the Cross Keys Pub for the Mayor’s Music Night – a pre-ride fundraiser on Friday 6 September from 7:30pm. Suggested donations on the night £10/£5 unwaged.