Need Access Permits for the September Fair?

Residents and businesses in the High Street, Upper High Street, Buttermarket and Cornmarket are reminded that now is the time to apply for access permits for the duration of the September Fair from the Town Hall.
The Fair opens on Thursday 19 September. Oxfordshire County Council advises the following:
Thame September & October Fairs – Special Event Order 2024
NOTICE is given that on the 9 September 2024 Oxfordshire County Council proposes to make the above order under 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The events are promoted by Thame Town Council, High Street, OX9 3DP. The County Council is satisfied that it is appropriate for the events to be held on the roads and the order is being introduced to manage the traffic associated with the events as follows:
- SEPTEMBER FAIR The main restrictions will apply from 7am Wednesday 18th to midday Sunday 22nd as follows:
To prohibit driving – in the roads in Schedule 1 below subject to * exemptions for emergency services, urgent works to the highway and utilities and access for residents; and between 9am and 11pm for any disabled persons vehicle and any vehicle loading and unloading from premises. Taxis will not be excluded from North Street.
To prohibit waiting – in the roads in Schedule 2. Existing parking exemptions will continue to apply and taxis will be allowed to wait at the ranks in North Street between 9am and 11pm. `No Waiting` restrictions will apply to buses at bus stops.
Upper and Lower High Street Car Parks will be closed from 4pm on Wednesday 18th September to midday Sunday 22nd .
The alternative route for traffic is via Bell Lane, North Street, Wellington Street and East Street. * Permitted access to the closed roads is recommended via Southern Road and Nelson Street.
- OCTOBER FAIR Wednesday 9th from 9pm to prohibit waiting until noon on Sunday 13th in Upper High Street car park and in the minor carriageway on the northeast side of the car park.
The relevant provisions of the Oxfordshire County Council (Various Roads – South Oxfordshire) (Map Based) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Permitted Parking) Order 2021, insofar as they permit waiting in the specified roads below will be suspended for the duration of this Order.
Documents giving more details of the order are available for public inspection online by visiting:
September Fair – SCHEDULE 1 PART ONE – NO DRIVING: 7am Wednesday 18th to noon Sunday 22nd
(a) Buttermarket |
from its junction with North Street to its junction with High Street. |
(b) Cornmarket |
from its junction with High Street to its junction with North Street/Upper High Street. |
(c) High Street |
from its junction with Bell Lane to its junction with Cornmarket, including the minor carriageway on the northeast side of the car park and Town Hall. |
(d)Upper High Street |
(i) from its junction with Cornmarket/North Street to its junction with East Street (ii) the minor carriageway on the northeast side of the car park. |
PART 2 – No access 4pm on Wednesday 18th September to noon Sunday 22nd
(a) Lower High Street Car Park |
The whole car park |
(b) Upper High Street Car Park |
The whole car park |
PART 3 – No Driving or Waiting except Taxis 7am 18th to noon 22nd
North Street
from its junction with Wellington Street to its junction with Cornmarket/Upper High Street. |
From 4pm 18th to noon 22nd September |
(a) Cornmarket – both sides |
from its junction with High Street to its junction with North Street/Upper High Street |
(b) High Street – both sides
from its junction with Bell Lane to its junction with Cornmarket, |
(d) Upper High Street – both sides |
from its junction with Cornmarket/North Street to its junction with East Street, including the minor carriageway on the northeast side of the car park. |
From 7am 18th to noon 22nd |
(c) Southern Road – both sides |
from its junction with High Street to its junction with Rooks Lane. |
(e) Wellington Street – both sides |
from its junction with North Street to its junction with East Street. |
Traffic Regulations Team (Ref.S24-029) for the Director for Environment and Place,
County Hall Oxford OX1 1ND. Tel: 0345 310 1111.
For more information, please visit/call the Thame Information Centre or call 01844 212833.