Sad News From Our Nepalese Namesake

Nepal from above

On Friday 16 August, the Nepalese village of Thame, near Everest, was flooded after a glacial lake burst its banks.

Everest’s Sherpas, who call Thame home, fear their homes might wash away. The village sits at an altitude of around 3,800m (12,467ft) and is home to around 300 people. 

Whilst no deaths or injuries were reported, a number of buildings, about 15 homes, a school and health clinic were completely destroyed. Although the water level in the Thame River has decreased, The Himalayan reports it continues to pose a threat to settlements along its banks.

It is not the first time disaster has struck Thame. In 2015, an earthquake devastated the Sherpa village. At the time, our local Town Council sent a letter of support and received a touching response from the village’s medical doctor.

Thame was also the childhood home of Tenzing Norgay, the Sherpa who was with Sir Edmund Hillary when he climbed Everest.