Mayor Welcomes Life-Saving Addition to Town Centre

On Saturday 7 September, Thame Mayor, Cllr Andy Gilbert officially welcomed the installation of a defibrillator, housed in a reconditioned telephone booth, outside the Thame Town Hall.
The installation process was a true a labour of love. Thame Town Council would like to thank Mally and Kevin from Freedom Creative who helped prepare the booth – on their own time, and often late at night; Point North Electrical for getting the defib hooked up and ready to go, and the Dymott family for donating the defibrillator and making it all possible.
If you ever come across a person who is unresponsive, please commence CPR and have someone dial 999 immediately. Emergency services will direct them to the nearest defibrillator and give them the release code. While they collect the defib, you should continue CPR. We have created a page dedicated to defibrillators on our website. It includes a link to help you find your nearest unit and a video to show you how to use it.