Residents Say NO to Concrete Crushing Facility

The Lea Park Residents’ Association is calling for local support to stop a permanent aggregate and soil recycling facility from being built on land directly behind the sewerage works in Moorend Lane.
The group is planning a protest event at Skate Park on Sunday 29 September from 10.30am. They are also calling for Thame residents to show support by displaying “Say No” posters, and registering concerns and objections ahead of Oxfordshire County Council’s next Planning Meeting on Monday 14 October.
Lea Park residents fear the concrete crushing facility, using heavy machinery for breaking down aggregate materials, will create:
- noise and dust contamination to nearby properties and the local football pitch,
- a poor environment for young people and parents using the skate park, and
- a constant daily flow of slow HGV traffic in and out of Moorend Lane and on the bypass (Tythrop Way/A4129).