Local Housing Sites Wanted

Thame Community Land Trust (TCLT)* wants to keep Thame families together. So much so, they are looking for local housing sites to cater for the ‘missing middle’.
Following its recent announcement of the Windmill Road development of 31 affordable homes for Thame residents (or those with a close connection to the town), Thame Community Land Trust wants to build on that success and move on to other opportunities using the same criteria.
Founded by local Thame residents in 2018, and supported by Thame Town Council, TCLT aims to build genuinely affordable housing for local people who are unable to access homes through the open market or social housing – the ‘missing middle’ who are finding it difficult to afford independent living.
From surveys TCLT have undertaken it is also equally important to try to secure the inter-generational support that many families rely on and reduce the need for young people to leave the town.
Thame Community Land Trust are looking for housing sites that could hold two or more homes. They are also interested in buildings that may be suitable for conversion into living accommodation.
If you have a site that might be suitable, Thame Community Land Trust would like to hear from you. They will then send you a short form and ask you to submit a map that clearly identifies the location and boundary of the site.
For further information, please contact: Bob Austin at: bobaustintclt@gmail.com Mobile: 07840 359 490.
*TCLT is a Community Benefit Society registered with the FCA and an Exempt Charity registered with HMRC. It is non-profit making with all available funds to be invested into community projects.
TCLT is also a member of the Community Land Trust Network- a body that facilitates continuous support for community led housing at both a local and government level.