Clarification Regarding the Thame Neighbourhood Development Plan 2 (TNP2)

Ahead of the forthcoming referendum on the Thame Neighbourhood Development Plan 2 (TNP2), Thame Town Council is keen to ensure accurate information is made available to the public.
With the referendum announced, Thame Town Council can only correct inaccuracies and misunderstandings about the plan, and provide factual clarifications as to what the proposed plan includes. We cannot advocate for or against the plan. We have therefore set out below essential facts regarding the proposed plan:
What is the proposed Thame Neighbourhood Development Plan 2?
The proposed Thame Neighbourhood Development Plan 2 (TNP2) is a locally-developed document that is designed to help shape the future of development in Thame.
It focuses on the needs of our community, complementing the broader South Oxfordshire Local Plan, which sets district-wide requirements for housing, employment, and infrastructure for Thame.
The proposed updated plan focuses on how and where those requirements are met within Thame, ensuring that so far as possible, any future development aligns with local priorities.
The updated plan also includes policies that aims to:

  • Protect trees, wildlife, and green spaces.
  • Improve accessibility by improving existing footpaths and cycle paths and seeking opportunities for new ones.
  • Maintain parking in the town centre to support local businesses.
  • Support existing and new local amenities, including a potential budget supermarket.
  • Enhance older parts of the town through targeted improvements.

Flood Plains and Flooding
The proposed updated Neighbourhood Plan strictly prohibits development on flood plains, aligning with both the South Oxfordshire Local Plan and the latest Environment Agency flood risk maps.
We are aware of concerns about the risk of outdated flood data. However, the Environment Agency’s current maps are the required basis for planning decisions. If future updates reclassify areas into higher-risk zones (Flood Zones 2 or 3), the proposed updated plan allows the District Council to reject developments that no longer meet safety criteria.

Additionally, any development near flood-prone areas must meet rigorous standards to protect Thame and downstream communities.
Oxford Road Site
The Oxford Road site, previously designated for housing and a school, has, in planning terms, undergone significant changes due to the discovery of a nationally important neolithic site. The updated Neighbourhood Plan should restrict housing to areas outside the protected area of archaeological interest and the flood plain, ensuring sensitive and responsible development.
Consultations revealed strong community support for using Oxford Road as the main area for new housing. Surveys and expert advice have guided the definition of boundaries, ensuring that only safe and suitable areas are included.

How Was the Proposed Plan Developed?
The proposed updated Neighbourhood Development Plan was created through extensive collaboration with residents, businesses, and experts over several years, including four rounds of consultation, which received over 1,600 comments.
Thame Town Council supported this process by coordinating the Plan’s preparation and managing its submission for independent review.
The Independent Examiner praised the proposed updated plan for being an excellent example of a second version of a neighbourhood plan.

He stated, “it brings the plan up-to-date and responds to the adoption of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan.” The Examiner noted the variety of policies and how it seeks to bring forward positive and sustainable development in the neighbourhood area and appropriately allocates land for housing and employment uses. He recognised the Plan has been underpinned by community support and engagement and that all sections of the community had been engaged in its preparation.
Why the Need for a New Plan?
The proposed updated plan expands upon the original TNP1, bringing it in line with the South Oxfordshire Local Plan, which has already allocated 753 additional homes and employment land to Thame. The updated plan cannot change these numbers, but it can help determine appropriate locations for these developments and sets policies on how they should be carried out.
South Oxfordshire District Council’s Local Plan focuses on district-wide strategy. However, the proposed updated Neighbourhood Plan focuses on Thame’s unique needs, creating policies for housing, travel, environmental protection, and community facilities. It also addresses challenges in older parts of the town and introduces guidance to manage growth sustainably.
Where to Find Information?

The Neighbourhood Plan is a comprehensive document, and there’s a lot to digest. You can find copies of all related documents, including the plan and the examiner’s report, on the South Oxfordshire District Council and Thame Town Council websites. The documents are also available to read at the Leisure Centre.
Upcoming Events

This Sunday (19th January), Mayor Cllr Andy Gilbert will be a guest on Red Kite Radio at 11.10am to help clear up some confusion. If you have any questions for Andy, email them to The Mayor and the Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer will also be at the market on Tuesday between 9:30am and 12:30pm to answer questions about the referendum.
Polling Station Change
South Oxfordshire District Council has advised that there has been a change to one of the polling stations. If you received a poll card for Thame Snooker Club, you will now need to vote at Chinnor Rugby Club, Rectory Pavilion, Kingsey Road OX9 3JL.


To vote you must be registered to vote in local elections by Tuesday 21 January 2025 and live in the referendum area. Make sure you register to vote if you haven’t already.

If you want to vote by post, apply online for a postal vote by 5pm on Wednesday 22 January 2025 at

If you can’t get to the polling station and don’t wish to vote by post, you may be able to vote by proxy. Apply online for a proxy vote by 5pm on Wednesday 29 January 2025.

Or, contact the elections team on 01235 422 600 to get the forms posted to you.