Community Speed Watch: Call for Volunteers

Research shows that on average 97% of speeding offences (not including Speed Watch observations) are detected by speed cameras. The vast majority of these are fixed at the roadside in areas known to both local residents and regular commuters, hence – and in spite of the so-called ‘Halo-effect’, they have little effect in areas not covered by camera technology.
Community Speed Watch is a national initiative where proactive members of local communities join with the support and supervision of their local police to record details of speeding vehicles using approved detection devices.
Registered keepers of vehicles exceeding the speed limit are contacted – initially with a letter explaining the potential risks and consequences of their dangerous behaviour. Repeat offenders will receive a visit from the local police, irrespective of where they live. Beyond these friendly gestures, focused enforcement and criminal prosecution follow based on the collated evidence.
Thame All Set & Ready to Go
A while ago, Thame Town Council was approached by two resident associations who wanted to be part of Community Speed Watch. The Council took the necessary steps to make it happen and even purchased radar guns. But to date, no residents have come forth to undergo the necessary training.
If you would like to learn more about Community Speed Watch or become a volunteer, please contact the Council on 01844 212 833 as we are all set up and ready to go.