Thame Decides – Thursday 6 Feb

On Thursday, 6 February, Thame residents will have the chance to vote on the adoption of the town’s second Neighbourhood Plan (TNP2). 

The Referendum will ask voters a single question:

Do you want South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Thame to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

Residents will have the option to put a cross in the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ box on the ballot paper.

If the majority of people vote ‘yes’ in the Referendum, then SODC will adopt the Thame Neighbourhood Development Plan 2 and it will become part of the suite of planning policies used by the District Council to help shape and determine planning applications in Thame.

If the majority of people vote ‘no’ or the vote is tied, then planning applications will continue to be decided without reference to the TNP2.

Still Undecided?

In recent weeks, Thame Town Council has endeavoured to provide clarity on misleading and inaccurate information circulating on social media about the Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2 (TNP2). If you are still undecided which way to vote, here is a leaflet we created to help provide clarity on the various issues that have been raised.

Referendum Flyer