Public Notice: Town Councillor Vacancy

Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of: Nigel Champken-Woods

A vacancy exists in the office of Town Councillor for: Thame Town Council (North Ward)

The vacancy will be filled by election if, within fourteen working days of the date of this notice, any ten local government electors for the said town ward submit a written request to the Returning Officer, South Oxfordshire District Council, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE.

In computing these fourteen days mentioned above you disregard a Saturday or Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a bank holiday or a day appointed for Public Thanksgiving or Mourning.

If no such request is made the vacancy will be filled by Co-option by the Thame Town Council.

Date of notice: Wednesday 5 March 2025

Nigel Champken-Woods – Notice of Casual Vacancy

Please note:

Thame’s North/South Wards boundary map

The 14 days will conclude at 11:59pm on Monday 24 March 2025.

After this date, the District Council will confirm whether 10 electors have requested a by-election. If they have, the District Council will make arrangements for a by-election, funded by the Town Council. If not, the Town Council will action the ‘co-option’ process whereby eligible persons can apply to be a Councillor and the decision on who to co-opt will be made by the current Town Councillors at a public meeting of the Town Council.

The new councillor, whether co-opted or elected, will serve until May 2027 (the next parish/town council elections).