A Tribute to Former Councillor Lionel Morbey

Thame Town Council was very saddened to learn of the passing of former Town Councillor, Lionel Morbey, last week.

Lionel served as a Town Councillor from 1999 to 2011.

In addition to being a councillor, Lionel was an active cyclist and member of the community, often described as a great character. He served as Governor for Barley Hill School, was a member of the Cattle Market Action Group, Treasurer of the Thame Royal British Legion, and more recently had been involved with Thame Rotary Club.
Lionel’s late wife, Jane Morbey, was Mayor of Thame in the 1980s. Jane Morbey Road was named in her honour.

The Town Council sends condolences to Lionel’s family and friends, and all those who knew him.