Lions Club Plans Haddenham & Thame Branch

Aylesbury Vale Lions banner at an event

Aylesbury Vale Lions Club (CIO) are looking at expanding the club to form a branch for potential members from Haddenham, Thame, and surrounding villages. The club would initially be part of Aylesbury Vale Lions Club, but would ultimately become a club in its own right, with its own activities and service events.

To form a branch, the club needs 10 members.

There is no timetable for establishing the local branch, however the sooner the club can build the branch, the sooner they can start helping our local community.

As a member of Lions International there are subs payable.
For more information phone: 01296 929 099 or email:
Welfare Activities/Donations
Service is the founding principle of Lions. Lions International dispenses aid to those less fortunate throughout the world, but particularly in their own communities. Most locally raised funds are distributed locally. Local clubs also carry out welfare activities and make donations to various local voluntary groups and charities, supported by fundraising activities.
Traditionally, Lions sell hot dogs and burgers at local fetes and raffle Easter eggs or chocolate baskets in local pubs. They provide games at fetes and participate in events such as the Bucks County Show and Chiltern Vintage Car Rally, helping with car parking. If a branch is formed locally, it will look at fundraising opportunities in Haddenham, Thame, and surrounding villages.
Social Activities
Lions are well known for their social activities, such as their annual birthday Charter meal, and family members are welcome to join in.