Lord Williams’s Festival Chorus

Lord Williams’s Festival Chorus

Lord Williams’s Festival Chorus
Enjoy singing? Why not join us - the chorus welcomes new members, who are keen to join a friendly choir, which is looking forward to an interesting and challenging future. Our rehearsals are held on Monday evenings (term-time only), 7.30pm to 9.30pm. New members are not auditioned. We have no plans to change this. Those people who want to sing solo parts are auditioned. Please feel free to attend any rehearsal as a "taster", asking anyone to introduce you to a member of the committee‚ or, if you prefer, phone or email us about joining. We look forward to hearing from you. http://www.lordwilliamsfestivalchorus.org.uk 01844 218884 , Lord Williams's Upper School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon, OX9 2AQ