08 May 2018 – Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee of Thame Town Council held on 8 May 2018 at 7.20pm In the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.
Present: Cllrs B Austin, D Bretherton, D Butler, M Deacock, M Dyer, L Emery (Deputy Mayor), H Fickling, P Lambert and A Midwinter (Town Mayor)
G Hunt, Town Clerk
G Markland, Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer
A Oughton, Committee Services Officer
1. Appointment of Chairman
The Mayor called for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee for the 2018-2019 municipal year.
It was moved and duly seconded that Cllr M Dyer be appointed Chairman. There were no other nominations.
RESOLVED: That Cllr M Dyer be appointed Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee for the 2018-2019 municipal year.
2. Appointment of Deputy Chairman
The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chairman for the 2018-2019 municipal year.
It was moved and duly seconded that Cllr P Lambert be appointed Deputy Chairman. There were no other nominations.
RESOLVED: That Cllr P Lambert be appointed Deputy Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee for the 2018-2019 municipal year.
The meeting concluded at 7.21pm
Signed ……………………………………
Chairman, 17 July 2018