5 February 2013 – Agenda
All Members of Thame Town Council
Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall
Tuesday 5 February 2013
7.30 pm (maximum two hours)
Cllrs D W Bretherton, D G Butler, N G Champken-Woods (Town Mayor), M Ciortan, N M Dixon, D W Dodds, M L Dyer, H M Fickling, A Gunn, V F Humphries, P Lambert (Deputy Mayor), D A Laver, J Matelot Green, M Stiles and M Welply
Helen Stewart
Clerk of the Council
Date: 30 January 2013
1 Apologies for Absence
2 Declarations of Interest
To note any personal or prejudicial interests that a Member has in the business to be conducted on the agenda.
3 Civic Announcements
To receive the report of the Mayor and any such communications as the Mayor may wish to lay before the Council.
4 Public Participation
To consider applications from members of the public to address the Council (5 minutes maximum), applications having been received by the Town Clerk no later than 5pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.
5 Football Partnership
To receive the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts from Peter Fleming, Chairman of Thame Football Partnership.
6 Report from Oxfordshire County Councillor
To receive the report of County Councillor Nick Carter (5 minutes maximum).
Report – Oxfordshire County Councillor
7 Report from South Oxfordshire District Councillors
To receive reports from Cllrs Bretherton, Dodds, Midwinter and Welply (Maximum of 5 minutes each).
8 Notices of Motion
To consider any motions in the order in which they were notified.
9 Questions (under Standing Order 11)
A Member may ask the Mayor any questions concerning the business of the Council.
10 Petition
To receive a petition for lighting to be installed in Southern Road car park.
11 Minutes
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15 January 2013 and 29 January 2013.
12 To note the minutes of the Policy & Resources Committee Meeting held on 22 January 2013.
13 To note the minutes of the Culture, Leisure & Recreation Committee Meeting held on 29 January 2013.
14 To note the minutes of the Planning & Environment Committee Meeting on 15 January 2013.
15 Effectiveness of Internal Control
To approve the measures being taken to mitigate financial risks.
Report – Internal Audit Programme of Work
Report -Effectiveness of Internal Control
16 Member/Officer Protocol
To adopt the Protocol
Report – Member-Officer Protocol
17 Cattle Market Viability Report
To receive the commercial viability report for the Cattle Market Site.
Cattle Market Viability Report
18 Skate Park
To agree to spend £995 for emergency repairs to skate ramps.
19 Museum Items
To agree to donate items to the Museum.
20 Issuing the Summons to Meetings
To formally agree that all councillors are willing to receive the summons electronically.
21 Lease of the Scout Headquarters
To sign and seal the lease between the Council and the Thame First Scout Group.