18 June 2024 – Minutes (draft)


Minutes of the Meeting of Thame Town Council held on 18 June 2024 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Town Hall, Thame.


Cllrs M Baines, D Bretherton, N Champken-Woods, P Cowell, D Dawson, A Dite (Town Mayor), H Dollman, D Dodds, M Dyer, L Emery, H Fickling, A Gilbert (Deputy Mayor), C Jones, S McGarry, H Richards, and P Swan


M Sturdy, Town Clerk
K Slater, Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) & Corporate Services Manager
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer


1) Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

District and County Councillor Gregory sent her apologies.


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

There were no declarations of interest.


3) Civic Announcements

The Mayor’s civic attendances were noted. The Mayor thanked councillors and officers for their involvement in the Town Council’s winning float at Thame Carnival on Saturday.

The first stall at Thame Market had been a success, with lots of good interaction and discussion between the public and Thame Town Council. Additional Councillor support would be welcome. It was noted that additional sessions should be held on the weekends as to not disenfranchise those who work.


4) Public Participation and Public Questions

There were no applications to address the Council.
There were no questions put to the Council.


5) Reports from County Councillors

Cllr Dawson entered the meeting during this item.

The report was noted.

County Cllr Champken-Woods advised that further to a question raised at the Annual Town Meeting, it was confirmed that the two parking spaces had been reinstated on Wellington Street following the completion of the pedestrian crossing.

Members noted that Thame was not connected to the Strategic Active Travel Network. Cllr Champken-Woods had queried this.

Cllr Champken-Woods agreed to establish how much was available in the County Council’s Hardship Fund.

It was noted that there were no funds remaining in the County Councillors’ Grants Fund.


6) Reports from South Oxfordshire District Councillors

The report was noted.

Cllr Bretherton had queried why the Funding Advice session was only being held in Didcot.

It was confirmed that the disabled parking spaces in the car park behind the former Co-Op will be reinstated but no timescale was available.


7) Members Questions (under Standing Order 11)

Cllr Baines asked whether the Town Council could escalate its concerns regarding the undetermined and prolonged planning application at Moorend Lane?

It was agreed to resend the Town Council’s concerns to Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), including to the Chair of their Planning Committee. The matter of Thames Water not originally being contacted has already been raised with OCC.

Cllr Dite asked who owned the overgrown and almost impassable footpath between Lord Williams’s Upper School and the Phoenix Trail?

The footpath, known as Hacketts Lane and owned by OCC, had been cut yesterday by Lord Williams’s School staff ahead of the Thame 10k at the weekend. Overhanging branches had been reported to OCC.


8) Internal Audit

The final Internal Audit report for the year 2023-2024 was received. No issues had been identified, and thanks were given to the RFO & Corporate Services Manager for her work in obtaining another clean audit.


9) External Audit / Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) / End of Year Accounts 2023-24

The report was noted.

Annual Governance Statement 2023-2024

The RFO & Corporate Services Manager was pleased to report that at year-end, £54,000 had been returned to reserves and there was no deficit.


  1. The Annual Governance Statement for 2023-2024 be approved.
 Unaudited Financial Statements for the year ending 31 March 2024

The Unaudited Financial Statements for the year ending 31 March 2024 were received.

Does the Town Council benchmark its expenditure against other councils? With additional resource in the finance team this is something able to be explored.

Accounting Statements for 2023-2024


  1. The Accounting Statements for 2023-2024 be approved.

It was noted the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return will be 20th June 2024 – 31st July 2024.


10) Consultation – Moreton Proposed 20mph Speed Limits

Members noted that Moreton residents supported the lower speed limit proposals, particularly given the narrow roads and absence of a footpath.


  1. Thame Town Council supports the proposed 20mph speed limits in Moreton.


11) Air Quality Project – S106 Application

The report was noted.

Members supported the project’s aims arising from the adopted Green Living Plan and South Oxfordshire District Council’s (SODC) Air Quality Action Plan. Concerns were raised that SODC were not leading on the project and there were no baseline measurements. Members would welcome statistics on the Air Quality impact of Thame’s annual Street Fairs.

Noting the restrictions on the S106 funds and the expertise available from the identified contractor, there was discussion as to whether additional quotations were required under the Town Council’s Financial Regulations.

To enable Officers to progress with the project, it was agreed to remove the consultants name from the recommendation within the report so that, if available, additional quotations can be obtained.


  1. Apply for Section 106 funds totalling no more than the £43,879.22 outlined in the report to help deliver the Air Quality Educational project.
  2. Employ a specialist contractor, as the lead delivery partner, subject to approval from SODC’s Section 106 application process.


12) Mayor of Thame’s Charity Trust

Members received the annual technical summary of the Mayor of Thame’s Charity Trust for the year 2023-24.


13) Minutes

The Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 14 May 2024 were received.


  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.


14) Planning Committee

The minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2024 were noted.


15) Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2

It was noted that TNP2 was submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council on 15 May 2024 and that SODC will be running the Regulation 16 public consultation from Thursday 13 June 2024 to Thursday 25 July 2024.


16) Oxfordshire Councils Charter

It was noted that the Oxfordshire Councils Charter has been adopted by Oxfordshire County Council. Thame Town Council will be invited to be a signatory to the charter later this year.


The meeting concluded at 7:48pm.


Signed ………………………

Chairman, 13 August 2024