Mayor About Town

It has been a busy week for Thame Mayor, Cllr Andy Gilbert. On Thursday 18 July, he was the Master of Ceremonies at this year’s Thame Town Awards. In addition to the publicly nominated awards, a Special Mayor’s award was presented to John Hulett, trustee of the Sharing Life Trust and Red Kite Family Centre.

On Saturday 20 July, the Mayor was on hand to cut the cake as part of the Thame Barns Centre’s 30th anniversary celebrations. On Tuesday 23 July, Cllr Gilbert and Deputy Mayor, Cllr David Dawson, visited the Charter Market for a meet and greet with local residents, and on Wednesday 24 July, Mayor Gilbert was invited to share cake cutting duties with Thame Players’ Patron Bruce Alexander, and Chair Mike Rochford as part of Thame Players’ 80th birthday celebrations.