Thame Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Moves to Next Stage

The Thame Neighbourhood Plan Review Consultation will soon be submitted for examination. Thame residents have until 11.59pm tonight (25 July) to submit comments on the Plan and supporting documents.

After the publicity period ends, all responses will be sent to an independent examiner for consideration. 

If the examiner approves the plan, South Oxfordshire District Council will organise a referendum. Those registered to vote in Thame will decide whether the Plan should be brought into force (“made”) or not.

If more than 50% of all people who turn out, vote in favour of making the Plan, then it will become part of the suite of planning policies used by the District Council to help shape and determine planning applications in Thame.

The Plan that Thame Built

The award-winning Thame Neighbourhood Plan was created by the community to ensure that Thame preserves its character and market town feel. If adopted, the Plan will ensure the town retains its close relationship with the open countryside, maintains markets, festivals, and events; continues to act as a centre for surrounding areas, and remains attractive to residents, businesses, and visitors alike.

The portal for comments on the Plan closes at 11:59pm tonight (Thursday 25 July 2024). Full details can be found on SODC’s website.