Register Kept Birds or Risk Breaking the Law

Did you know you must register up to 49 poultry or other kept birds by 1 October 2024? This includes any birds kept as pets.

You will be breaking the law if you do not register.

Psittaciformes or passeriformes (such as budgies, parrots, cockatiels and finches) do not need to be registered if they are both:

  • fully housed in a dwelling (your home or another indoor structure), 
  • kept indoors at all times with no access to outdoor spaces

By registering:

  • the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) will contact you with updates and guidance if there’s a disease outbreak (such as bird flu) in your area,
  • you’ll help prevent the spread of disease and protect all kept birds, including back yard flocks.

Click here to find out more and register your kept birds.