03 September 2024 – Minutes (draft)


Minutes of the Meeting of the Environment & Assets Committee held on 3 September 2024 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.


Cllrs M Baines, D Bretherton, N Champken-Woods, P Cowell, A Dite (Chairman), H Dollman, L Emery, H Fickling, C Jones (Deputy Chairman), and H Richards.


M Sturdy, Town Clerk
A Oughton, Operations Manager
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer
A Slater, Business Administrator Apprentice


1) Apologies for Absence

The Environmental Project Officer sent apologies.

Apologies for absence were received and noted from Cllr Dawson (personal) and Gilbert (no reason given).


  1. To accept the apologies and reason given from Cllr Dawson (personal) and Gilbert (no reason given).


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

A general dispensation was in place for Cllrs Bretherton, Cowell, Dite and Emery regarding Thame Museum (Item 6).

There were no declarations of interest.


3) Public Participation and Public Questions

There was no public participation.
There were no public questions put to the Committee.


4) Minutes

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 2 July 2024 were received.


  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.


5) Green Living Plan

The reports on the Green Living Plan (GLP) objectives progress and improving biodiversity in green spaces were noted.

Terms of Reference were presented for the new GLP Working Group. It was suggested that the Terms of Reference should acknowledge that the current GLP will be reviewed and that the GLP Working Group may capture ideas relating to this. It was also suggested that the membership be increased to 3 Councillors to reflect the quorum requirements.


  1. To approve the Terms of Reference for the newly formed Green Living Plan Working Group, subject to increasing the Councillor membership to 3 and including reference to a future review of the GLP.


6) Thame Museum

It was noted that the approved roof repair works started on 29 August 2024 and should be completed in the coming week.

The current works have unfortunately and unexpectedly revealed that the condition of the timbers on the roof above the front door are in very poor condition and rotten. The contractor has advised replacing this part of the roof at estimated cost of £37,500. The Town Council has a duty of care given the potential risk to the building and public. The expenditure could be authorised by Full Council under emergency works relating to an existing contract, although procurement advice would be sought on this.

Whilst there was concern about the expenditure required and the risk of finding more problems, Councillors indicated that given the condition of the roof, it would appear sensible to repair the works sooner rather than wait whilst the scaffolding and contractors are in place.


7) Town Hall & Depot

It was noted that the Water Refill Station was fitted to the south side of the Town Hall on 19 August 2024 and has been well received on social media. Its usage will be monitored through the water bills.

It was noted that the Town Hall office kitchen has been re-fitted using second-hand units and the hot water reinstated.

Following the building condition surveys, some of the work required on the Town Hall roof is standard maintenance such as replacing slipped tiles, and cleaning the roof, gutters and downpipes, which Officers will progress and obtain quotes for. The Depot however does require a new roof which is likely to cost around £130,000. Funding options will be explored including grants for decarbonisation of public buildings. A strategy will need developing for Town Council building aspirations and maintenance. A recommendation will be brought to Full Council in due course.


8) War Memorial

It was noted that work to add two additional names, as identified through the Thame Remembers Project, to the War Memorial in Moreton is due to take place during the last two weeks of September, weather permitting.

The Community Services Manager is working with Moreton residents to arrange an event to unveil the new plaques.


9) Elms Park Play Area

All but one very minor snagging issue have been resolved. The new play park sign has been installed. The new smoke free signage designed by John Hampden Primary School students will be installed later this month.


10) Rycote Meadow

There had been a delay in obtaining materials, so work is now due to start at the end of September.


11) Cuttle Brook

It was noted that the Cuttle Brook Conservation Volunteers (CBCV) annual accounts to 31 March 2024 and that the annual grant of £2,000 has been paid to CBCV.

Regarding the flood remediation works, the Town Council, District Council Flood Engineer and contractor have met and confirmed that the ditch running behind Cedar Crescent can be diverted away from the properties. Quotes are being obtained and planning permission will be required. It is hoped that the costs will be covered by the Town Council earmarked reserves for Cuttle Brook flooding, and District Council monies, with any shortfall met by the County Council’s flooding funds.


12) Hampden Gardens (Bellway) Allotments

It was extremely disappointing that a number of items had not been completed at the pre-handover meeting on 15 August 2024. The developer has reassured Officers that the outstanding snagging issues will be sorted this month. It is hoped a further pre-handover meeting will be arranged in September.

It was noted that the Certificate of Compliance has been signed as part of the legal transfer of the site.

The report was noted. The Council was asked to agree a price for the allotments. After comparison with the two other allotment sites in Thame, it was suggested to charge £22 per plot per annum.

The Council was also asked to agree the allotment policy and tenancy agreement. It was noted that plots would be filled on a first-come, first-served basis with priority given to residents on the new housing developments east of Thame Park Road. It was expected that all 17 plots would be filled based on initial interest. The council has a commuted sum of £121,000 to cover expenses in the first few years, after which it is expected that an allotment committee will manage the site.

It was suggested that the policy include a ‘three strike policy’, to avoid plots being abandoned. This should be done in consultation with the allotment holder.

It was suggested that taps be fitted with a press button to avoid water wastage, and that plots are offered a few months prior to the start of the growing season.

It was suggested that the Town Council should publicise that allotments are available, to manage any misconceptions that allotments are full.


  1. To approve the rent as £22 per plot per annum for the allotment plots at Hampden Gardens Allotments.
  2. To approve the Tenancy Agreement and Allotment Policy for the allotment plots at Hampden Gardens Allotments, subject to inclusion of wording around the notice period as discussed by the committee.


13) Stones Close Allotments

The annual inspection report was noted. The Stones Close Allotments Committee run the allotments very smoothly. There are currently 5 vacant plots, but the management committee are confident new tenants will be found.


14) Use of Town Council Vehicle

It was noted that a local company, Studley Green MOT and Service Centre, have donated a vehicle for the Town Council’s Maintenance Team to use whilst the Town Council’s vehicle is being used for the Mayor’s Fundraising Event in September.


15) Maintenance Team

The report was noted.

Members commended the work of Officers and the Maintenance Team in their handling of the travellers. Members welcomed the new Horticultural Apprentice and commented that they had fitted in well with the team.


The meeting concluded at 7:23pm.



Signed ………………………                           Date …………………
