28 January 2025 – Minutes (draft)


Minutes of the Meeting of the Environment & Assets Committee held on 28 January 2025 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.


Cllrs M Baines, P Cowell, A Dite (Chairman), H Dollman, and H Richards.


A Oughton, Operations Manager
B Reid, Environmental Project Officer
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer


1) Apologies for Absence

The Town Clerk sent her apologies.

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Champken-Woods (council business), Dawson (personal), Emery (personal), Gilbert (personal), and Jones (personal).

The apologies for absence and reasons were agreed.

Cllr Bretherton was absent without apology.


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

There were no declarations of interest.


3) Public Participation and Public Questions

There was no public participation.
There were no public questions put to the Committee.


4) Minutes

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 3 September 2024 were received.


  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.


5) Budget Summary

The committee received the estimated and actual income and expenditure up to 31 December 2024.

There was some confusion over the expenditure total and percentage budget estimates. The Operations Manager agreed to check this.

Post-meeting note: Monies related to the Hampden Garden allotments should not be counted in the actual income and expenditure totals as any transactions relate to transferring monies received to earmarked reserves.


6) Cuttle Brook Local Nature Reserve – Management Plan 2025-2029

A volunteer from the Cuttle Brook Conservation Volunteers presented the next iteration of the Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve (CBNR) Management Plan up to 2029. The updated plan places greater emphasis on water and ‘nature first’ areas.

Working with the River Thame Conservation Trust, the plan seeks to focus on freshwater areas as well as support natural flood management upstream where possible.

‘Nature first’ areas will encourage people to leave certain areas as quiet, with the aim to reintroduce water voles. There is a growing need to address increasing numbers of dogs on the reserve, which in future may require a byelaw.

Regarding dogs, the first step is to establish the scale of the issue. It is estimated that on a normal day, up to 200 dogs may enter the reserve, of which up to a third may enter the water which creates erosion to the banks and introduces insecticides. Possible management options include a combination of barriers (natural and manmade) and signage. When the new footpath is completed in Rycote Meadow, a stock proof fence will run the length of the new path to prevent dogs accessing the Brook and the biodiverse rich meadow.

A suggestion was made for a bird hide for bird spotting.

It was confirmed that the plan included a policy of replacing felled trees. The CBNR volunteers are also working with 21st Century Thame volunteers on their tree planting initiative.

The committee commended the excellent Management Plan.


  1. To adopt the Cuttle Brook Local Nature Reserve Management Plan for 2025-2029.

It was moved by the Chairman to take Item 13 – Elms Park immediately next.


7) Green Living Plan Working Group

The committee received a report of the latest meetings of the Green Living Plan Working Group (GLPWG).

The GLPWG have been working through the Green Living Plan actions. 15 actions have been signed off so far. The report also highlighted the upcoming work of the GLPWG.

Plastic Free Communities is a national initiative. A local business has approached the Town Council offering their support for Thame to become plastic free, which the GLPWG supported.

There was some discussion regarding the Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). Officers advised that following public consultation, data gathering and route proposals, Oxfordshire County Council’s consultants are now testing the proposed routes. This will be subject to further consultation once complete. A final action plan will be created so that as and when funding is available, these routes can be progressed with the prior support of the town, district and county councils. It was noted that the Haddenham-Thame Cycleway is already covered by Oxfordshire’s Strategic Active Travel Network which the LCWIP recognises.

The committee supported the Thame Business Sustainability Award idea. It was noted that Thame COP had previously offered a similar initiative, however the project has now concluded.

Thanks were given to the Environmental Project Officer for their work.

RECOMMENDED to Full Council:

  1. To approve Thame becoming a ‘Plastic Free Community’, meaning that Thame Town Council will:
    1. Lead by example and remove single-use plastic items from its premises.
    2. Encourage plastic-free initiatives, promoting the campaign and supporting events.
    3. Put a named representative of the council on the Plastic Free Community steering group.


8) Open Spaces Sub-Committee

The committee received an initial SWOT analysis review of the Elms Park Play Area refurbishment project and function of the Open Spaces Sub-Committee.

The project had engaged advisors on creating safe play spaces for girls. Whilst some of their recommendations had been incorporated, it was suggested that their knowledge could be utilised for future projects.

Was there an update on the Pétanque proposal? This was not part of the play area project scope. As and when funding is available from The Elms development the MUGA project will be progressed which is hoped to include a pétanque.

It was noted that the installation of the plaque recognising the contributions of Music in the Park and Friends of Elms Park was outstanding.

Overall, the Open Spaces Sub-Committee had worked well for this project.


  1. To disband the Open Spaces Sub-Committee.


9) Asset Management Working Group

The committee received the draft Terms of Reference for the Asset Management Working Group. The idea of this working group is to incorporate the work of the Open Spaces Working Group (to be disbanded), and create a more holistic, strategic approach to management of the Town Council’s assets.

Regarding membership, Cllrs Cowell and Dite volunteered to sit on the working group. It was agreed that the remaining membership would be agreed via an email to all Councillors.


  1. To approve the formation of an Asset Management Working Group and the Working Group’s Terms of Reference (to replace the Open Spaces Working Group).


10) Thame Museum

It was noted that repair works to the roof are now complete. £1,000 emergency expenditure was authorised following the discovery of rotten timber frames which need to be replaced.

There have been no leaks since the repairs were completed.


11) Town Hall Maintenance

It was noted that the roof and gutters were cleaned on 21 January 2025 following recommendations within the building condition survey. Overall, the roof was in good condition with minor issues due to be repaired.

It was noted that an annual survey to monitor Radon Gas in the Town Hall basement will be carried out followed by a review of the risk assessment. The extractor fan in the basement has kept Radon levels below the permitted level.


12) Town Hall Improvements

The committee received the results of the mapping exercise, which combined the recommendations of the Energy Advisory Report, Building Condition Survey, and Carbon Reduction Report, and provided a progress update on this work. Concern was raised at the cost of some of the work, however there are grants available. Officers are working to get the required information ready so grants can be applied for as and when they become available.

The committee noted that the Operations Manager will be exploring options for acoustic canvas wall panels to improve acoustics in the Upper Chamber.


13) Elms Park

A local arboriculturist presented his report to the committee. It was explained that felled wood can be used for biomass, firewood or wildlife habitats, however generally it is a waste product. The two Oak Trees in Elms Park are identified as high risk and require removal. Various options for the wood are proposed, such as benches, tables and sculptures, however it is important to engage with stakeholders to establish aspirations. It is hoped that the use of paid services can be avoided.

The Operations Manager advised that the 5-yearly tree survey is due next year. The trees identified in Elms Park are suffering with canker disease, and relevant permissions have been obtained for their removal.

The committee were very supportive of the proposals. Concern was raised regarding cost and potential vandalism to newly installed benches or pieces of public art. It was noted that there is public art funding available for Elms Park, if used there is separate funding for the maintenance of public art installations.


  1. To support in principle the proposals for the felled wood from the Oak Trees in Elms Park, with the Town Council working in partnership with the arboriculturist to identify relevant stakeholders and progress the project.


14) Policies

The Metal Detecting Policy and Personal Protective Equipment Policy were presented with minor changes.


  1. To re-adopt the Metal Detecting Policy and Personal Protective Equipment Policy.


15) Rycote Meadow

It was noted that the boardwalk element of the project to install a path through the meadow has been successfully installed. The project will recommence as soon as weather and ground water levels permit.


16) Verges Survey

The committee noted the results of the verges survey and were impressed with the level of detail.


17) Hampden Gardens Allotments (Bellway)

The committee noted that 10 out of the 17 allotment plots are occupied.  A plan to publicise allotment plots for rent is due to take place over the next couple of months.

It is expected that allotment holders will form a management committee within the first 1-2 years.


18) Land on the North Side of 12 Chalgrove Road

The committee noted that the Town Council are in receipt of a B107 Notice from Land Registry advising that the owners of 12 Chalgrove Road have applied to Land Registry to be the registered owner of a small piece of land to the north of their property based on adverse possession for a period dating back to March 1999.


19) Maintenance Report

The committee noted and commended the report of the Maintenance Team’s work.

It was noted that the removal of the tree on Youens Drive required permission and was granted with the condition that two new trees were planted in its place, which will be actioned in Spring.

The two new Maintenance Team members who joined the team in the last year are performing well and have been great additions to the team.

On behalf of Thame Youth Projects, Cllr Cowell thanked members of the Maintenance Team for PAT testing the Youth Projects equipment and requested a copy of the PAT Testing report.

It was noted that ‘Hamilton Way’ on page 3 of the report should read ‘Harrison Way’.


The meeting concluded at 7:59pm.


Signed ………………………                           Date …………………………
