11 February 2025 – Minutes (draft)


Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 11 February 2025 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.


Cllrs D Dodds, A Gilbert (Town Mayor), C Jones, S McGarry (Deputy Chairman), H Richards and P Swan


M Sturdy, Town Clerk
G Markland, Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer


1) Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Baines (personal), Dawson (personal), and Emery (personal).

In the absence of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman chaired the meeting.


  1. To accept the apologies and reason given from Cllrs Baines (personal) and Emery (personal).


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

There were no declarations of interest.


3) Public Participation and Public Questions

There was no public participation.
There were no public questions put to the Committee.


4) Minutes

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 14 January 2025 were received.


  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2025 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.


5) Planning Applications

a) Members were asked to consider and agree a response for each of the following planning applications:

There were no applications that met the criteria for consideration.


b) Members were asked to receive and comment on the Officer’s recommendations for the following planning applications, however following the adoption of the Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2 (TNP2) at referendum on 6 February 2025, the Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer (NPCO) explained that the TNP2 policies, and accompanying Design Codes and Masterplanning documents, now have full weight and should be applied in decision-making.

It was agreed to consider the applications at 18 Beech Road, 4 Spring Path and 6 Bell Lane immediately next.


1947 – 18 Beech Road

Single storey front extension, extension to the front of the garage and open porch. Small single storey rear extension and open veranda. Replacement of existing flat roof with pitched roof. Material and fenestration alterations to the existing house.

The proposals do not comply with the TNP2 Design Codes on the grounds that the property is being extended over the full width of the frontage and more than 2metres forwards, contrary to the design guidance on front extensions. The proposals are also contrary in introducing a new roof form rather than reflecting the original and a change in the proportions of the windows on the front elevation. The character area study for the application area note that gable roofs predominate and red brick is the primary building material used.  The Committee was advised that white render would be used to cover externally applied insulation; the principle of improving a building’s efficiency is supported.

It was noted that although the application was submitted prior to TNP2 adoption, the policies now apply. Whilst elements of the proposal were supported, overall it was not fully compliant with TNP2 and therefore it was:


  1. To object to planning application P25/S0176/HH on the grounds that:
    1. The proposal is contrary to Policy CPQ1 of the 2020-2041 Thame Neighbourhood Plan in failing to respond to the qualities identified within the Thame Neighbourhood Plan Design Code and Character Area Study. Specifically:
      • The proposed extension, in offering a different roof pitch and form does not mirror the form of the original building
      • The extension covers more than 50% of the original front elevation
    2. The extension extends more than 2 metres forward of the original elevation
    3. The proportion and placement of the front windows do not reflect the original building
    4. The use of external render is not compliant with the main materials used within the character area (red brick and white weatherboarding).


1949 – 6 Bell Lane

Replacement windows from timber to Alu-clad in like for like design.

It was noted that the Heritage Officer has raised objection on the grounds that the proposed windows are not sufficiently ‘like for like’.


  1. To object to planning application P25/S0180/LB in line with the comments made by the Heritage Officer.


1950 – 4 Spring Path

Proposed front and side extension.

The proposal includes a significant front and side extension, and will bring the building line 3metres forward. This is contrary to the TNP2 Design Code on front extensions.

Members questioned how much weight would be given to this objection, given the neighbouring property’s recent substantial extension. The NPCO advised that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) instructs the use of design codes. Officers will monitor how this application is handled in relation to TNP2 policies by the District Council.


  1. To object to planning application P25/S0232/HH on the grounds that:
    1. The proposal is contrary to Policy CPQ1 of the 2020-2041 Thame Neighbourhood Plan in failing to respond to the qualities identified within the Thame Neighbourhood Plan Design Code and Character Area Study. Specifically:
      • The proposed forward extension does not mirror the form of the original building
      • The extension covers more than 50% of the original front elevation
  2. The extension extends more than 2 metres forward of the original elevation.


There being no change in the Officer’s recommendation for the remaining applications, it was:


  1. To approve the Officer’s recommendations for the following applications:


1945 – The Meadows, Wenman Road

Erection of non-illuminated ACM panels, flats, single side post mounted v board and single sided ground mounted signage.

Agreed response: Supports subject to no objection from the Highways Officer.


1946 – 38 Towersey Drive

Demolish existing garage and construct two storey side extension.

Agreed response: Supports


1948 – 6 Croft Close

Extend and alter existing outbuilding to form home office / studio.

Agreed response: Supports


6) Appeal – APP/Q3115/W/24/3358187 – St Andrew’s Court, Wellington Street

St Andrew’s Court, Wellington Street – P24/S2464/FUL – Two proposed 3-bedroom new-build dwellings and associated car parking and amenity including bike and bin stores (updated and additional supporting documents received 9th August 2024).

It was noted that an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against South Oxfordshire District Council’s decision to refuse the above planning application. The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations. Representations already made on the application have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and the appellant.

It was agreed that the NPCO would review the application in line with the now-adopted TNP2 policies. If any additional comments are necessary, the committee will be updated via email.


7) Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2

The adoption of TNP2 was a great relief to all involved. As reported earlier, the Masterplanning and Design Codes now have full weight. TNP2 will be officially made by the District Council on Thursday.

The process of TNP2 took around 4 years, and there are still outstanding matters from TNP1 in relation to developer commitments. Officers will monitor how TNP2 policies are applied on planning applications and aim to progress the plan to deliver public expectations. There is an aspiration to empower residents to monitor how obligations are fulfilled on their developments, and also for projects identified in the plan.

The committee expressed their thanks to the Officers, in particular the NPCO for his professional conduct throughout, and the communications team for their extensive efforts. There was some discussion and suggestions regarding future communications.

The current plan will be protected for 5 years under the NPPF and the emerging District Local Plan. It was noted that proposed changes to local government may increase the importance of neighbourhood plans.


8) For Information

The items for information were noted.


The meeting concluded at 7:03pm.


Signed ……………………..

Chairman, 11 March 2025