17 February 2015 – Agenda

TO: All Members of the Planning and Environment Committee
Cllrs D Butler, N Champken-Woods, A Dite, D Dodds, H Fickling (Chairman),
V Humphries, D Laver, M Stiles & M Welply (Deputy Chairman)
Ex Officio (Voting) Members – J Matelot Green (Town Mayor) and N Dixon (Deputy Mayor)
To all other Members for information
VENUE: Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall
DATE: Tuesday 17 February 2015
TIME: 6.30 pm (maximum one hour)
Helen Stewart BEM
Clerk of the Council
         Date: 11 February 2015
1 Apologies for Absence
2 Declarations of Interest
To notify of any items that appear in the agenda in which there may be an interest that has not been recorded in the Member’s Register of Interest.
3 Public Participation
 To consider applications from members of the public to address the Committee (5 minutes maximum), in respect of any item of business included in the agenda.  Applications to speak must have been received by the Committee Administrator no later than 5pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.
4 To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Planning & Environment Meeting held on 27 January 2015.
5 Planning Applications
Erection of 6ft close boarded fence at front of property.
Erection of first floor front extension.
1) Paint the existing timber fascia panel
2) Replace the existing signage
6 MW.0011/14 – To extend the period for the extraction of sand to 31 December 2020 and the completion of restoration to 31 December 2022; and to remove the requirement to install ground markers around the sand extraction site boundary at Moorend Lane Farm, Moorend Lane.
To receive further information from Oxfordshire County Council.
7 R3.0030/15 – John Hampden County Primary School, Park Street
Planning application by Oxfordshire County Council for planning permission for the erection of a single storey building to provide 2 new classrooms, accompanied by the necessary ancillary accommodation; toilets/cloaks, storage and resource areas, 1:1 room, cleaners store and a plant room.  4 new parking and a new path to the front and around the new proposal are proposed for the external works.
To consider a response to the above application.
8 Hopton Road
To consider a request to reduce or remove trees on the green.
9 Tree Grilles
To consider the installation of tree grilles in the Upper High Street.
10 Oil Buying Club
To consider receiving a presentation from the Oil Buying Club.
11 Green Living Plan
To consider the terms of reference.
12 Bus Shelters
To consider advertisements on the shelters in the town centre.
13 Angus Court
To consider names for the two apartment blocks at Angus Court.
a) Block B – Welles House
b) Block C – Alexander House
14 Reports from Town Council Representatives
a) Transport Representative – Cllr M Stiles.
15 For Information
a) P14/S0079/LDP – 8 Nelson Street – Lawful Development
b) P15/S0123/LDP – 21 Youens Drive – Lawful Development