The Mayor

The Mayor of Thame

Cllr Andy Gilbert was elected by the Town Council at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2024 as Mayor of Thame for 2024-2025. Cllr David Dawson was elected as Deputy Mayor.

The position of Town Mayor is ceremonial and non-political and confers no additional advantage on the post-holder, other than the honour of representing Thame. The Mayor will attend civic and ceremonial functions within the District and the wider community during their Mayoral year of office. The Town Mayor will also act as Chairman to Full Council meetings and the Annual Town Meeting.

Previous Mayor Elects and their fundraising

  • Town Mayor Cllr Andy Gilbert (right) with Deputy Town Mayor Cllr David Dawson (left)

  • Town Mayor Cllr Andy Gilbert (right) with Deputy Town Mayor Cllr David Dawson (left)

  • Town Mayor Cllr Andy Gilbert

The Mayor’s Chosen Charities for 2024-25

SharingLife Trust

SharingLife Trust is a UK Registered Charity helping those who have and can, to assist those who don’t have or can’t. We are based in South Oxfordshire and through support networks help people in need in the area around Thame. With the help of our international partners in both East & West Africa and North East India, we are also able to extend our support to people in need in other parts of the world.

Lord Williams’s Young Carers

Young carers generally care for members of their immediate family who may be a parent with an illness, disability, mental health problem or dependency on alcohol or drugs, or a brother or sister who has a health problem or disability. It may also be that your family has experienced a bereavement within the household. We appreciate that students may be involved in any of the following:

  • Domestic tasks, such as cleaning, cooking and shopping
  • Personal care, such as washing, dressing and toileting
  • Family responsibilities, including caring for siblings and money management
  • Administering medication, injections, changing dressings and other medical care
  • Providing emotional support for other family members, including the cared-for relative


Upcoming Events & how to support the Mayor’s Charities

If you would like to invite the Mayor to your event, or for more information about the Mayor’s upcoming events, please contact Jane on 01844 212833 or by email.