08 July 2014 – Minutes


Minutes of a Meeting of the Community, Leisure & Recreation Committee held on 8 July 2014 at 6.30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.
Cllrs D Bretherton, N Champken-Woods (Chairman), A Dite, N Dixon (Deputy Mayor), M Dyer, L Emery, P Lambert, D Laver and M Stiles (Deputy Chairman).


Cllr V Humphries


C Pinnells, Community Services Manager

A Oughton, Committee Services Officer

1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Matelot Green (Holiday) and H Stewart (Town Clerk).

2 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3 Public Participation

There were no applications to address the Committee.

4 Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2014 and 13 May 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

5 Budget Summary

Members received the budget summary up to 31 May 2014.  A full set of the accounts were available for Members to view at the meeting.

6 Reports from Representatives on External Organisations

a)    Cuttle Brook Management Committee – Cllr Laver reported that the volunteers were currently involved in a major project to build a new boardwalk over the existing one.  The new one would be a third wider with a turning point at one end for wheelchair users, however funding was required to complete the project.  The Big Picnic on 3 June had been very successful with approx 60-70 members of the public, families and volunteers attending, taking part in activities such as pond dipping, crafts and storing telling.  Preparation was well underway for an exhibition about the Reserve to be held in the Museum in August.  A walk around the Reserve was scheduled for 16 July 2014 at 4pm to which all councillors were invited.

b)    Carnival Committee – Cllr Emery reported that the Carnival had been an overwhelming success and that a letter of thanks had been sent to Sue Martin Downhill for her immense contribution towards the event.  The date for a ‘wash up’ meeting was still to be set and the accounts finalised.  The fly past by the Lancaster Bomber was impressive and the Memorial Flight had written to say they hoped the community had enjoyed it.  It was anticipated that a planning meeting for the Carnival in 2015 would be set for January.  Thanks were expressed to the small team for the work accomplished in a short space of time.

c)    Football Partnership – Cllr Dyer reported that the Partnership was predicted to only make a £5k loss as opposed the £25k loss anticipated at the beginning of the year.  This had been achieved by various means including a reduction in the payroll, better working practice and a regular booking from a darts team.  Financially although a loss was predicted for this year it was felt next year the Partnership would break even or show a slight profit.

d)    Twinning Association – Cllr Humphries reported that the AGM had taken place on 19 June and a visit to Thame by a group from Montesson had been very successful.  The return trip by members of Thame would take place over the weekend 20-21 September.  A summer garden party had been organised and film nights continued to raise funds.  A complaint had been received from a resident with regard to the withdrawal of Council funding in for the form of ‘free use’ of the Upper Chamber which had been addressed by a letter from the Mayor and Chair of the Twinning Association.

e)    Cricket Club – No meeting – nothing to report.

f)     Chinnor RFC – It was agreed that Cllr Bretherton be appointed council representative.

7 Thame Remembers

Members were shown a presentation and Cllr Bretherton gave an update on the project which had been officially launched today.  A 189 names had been identified from Memorials in Thame of men who had lost their life in the service of their country.  This project threw down the challenge to the residents of Thame to deliver a Thame Remembers Cross to every grave identified both in Thame and across the world between August 2014 and November 2018.

The first twenty crosses would be laid on memorials in St Mary’s churchyard on the evening of 3 August 2014 as part of the Thame Remembers event.

8 Christmas Lighting Scheme

Following a presentation to councillors by two companies the scores and best value attributed to each presentation had shown Blachere to be the preferred supplier for the next five year contract.  The design presented would need discussion to adapt some aspects specifically to the Town Council’s requirements and it was hoped that the budget of £100k would enable the scheme to be extended into North Street.


i)             Full Council agrees to a five year contract with Blachere for the Christmas Lighting Scheme between 2014-2018 as detailed within the tender document but subject to tender clarification.


9 Christmas Event

The Christmas Event was scheduled to take place on Friday 5 December 2014 the theme being ‘A Santa Convention’.  It was proposed that the Lantern Parade take place again in collaboration with local schools building on its success from last year.  Members noted the report.

10 Good Neighbour Scheme

Through consultation and membership of the Thame Alliance Group the Council had established that there was a need for a Good Neighbour Scheme in the Town.  A small pool of volunteers had come forward to assist with requests to collect prescriptions, transport to hospital and doctor appointments, shopping, completing forms, befriending and similar requests for assistance.

It was proposed that the Council implement the project, assisting with the start up costs and use of staff in the Information Centre as the main co-ordination point for the scheme’s administration and operation.


i)             The Council provides the support and resources to implement and maintain a Good Neighbour Scheme

ii)            Full Council approve the Good Neighbour Start Up costs up to £6,850 be financed from the General Reserves and offer further financial support in the future if grant funding is unsuccessful.

11 Commemoration of First World War

To commemorate the centenary of the First World War a local artist has undertaken a ‘Living Monument’ photographic exhibition consisting of portraits of men living in Thame and the surrounding area who were the same conscription age as men who fought during the First World War.  The exhibition would be constructed within the Memorial Gardens, illuminated and in-situ for a two to eight week period.


i)             Permission be granted for a photographic ‘Living Monument’ exhibition within the Memorial Gardens.

12 Play Areas

This item was deferred to the next meeting.

13 Music in the Park

Following the successful event on 4 May 2014 the Music in the Park Committee recommended that donations be given to the volunteer groups as a ‘Thank You’ for the operational duties undertaken.


i)             Donations totaling £800 as recommended in Appendix 1 by the MiTP Committee are paid to the volunteer groups.

ii)            Elms Park be closed to the public between the hours of 10am and 10pm on 3 May 2015 for Music in the Park 2015.

14 Red Kite Children’s Centre

Following a request from the Red Kite Children’s Centre for a councillor representative to sit on the Advisory Board, Cllr Dixon was duly nominated.


i)             Cllr Dixon be nominated Council Representative on the Advisory Board of the Red Kite Children’s Centre.

15 Elms Park

It was agreed that Cllrs Dite, Dixon, Dyer, Lambert, Laver and Stiles form a working group to formulate plans for the refurbishment of Elms Park.

16 Sinaia Friendship Association

A request had been received from the Sinaia Friendship Association for a donation to an exhibition being compiled in the Sinaia Museum that would best represent Thame.  It was suggested that a picture montage of Thame or posters of events held in the town be donated and that Thame Museum would undertake the task.

17 Lea Park Walkabout

It was agreed that a date be fixed for a walkabout and Members invited to attend.

18 Maintenance Report

The report was noted. 
The meeting concluded at 7.45pm

Signed ………………………..

Chairman, 7 October 2014